I saw it. Last night. I'd been looking forward to it for quite a while. Frankly, I had been looking forward to it to the point that it was probably going to be a let down. You know how that goes. Expectations so high it can never live up to them, doomed to be a let down.
It was not a let down. It was thoroughly engaging all the way through. All 2 and a half hours of it. And the Joker. Oh the Joker... I have a very strong attachment to the original Joker played by Jack Nicholson. It's hard to beat an icon so firmly and emotionally rooted in your childhood. Heath Ledger managed to dethrone Nicholson so brilliantly that I didn't even notice until it was over.
I'm not going to go into plot points or anything else. Just a brief tip of the hat to The Dark Knight.