Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Letter to Bob Dylan

I want to spotlight a friend of mine today, Randy Peterson. I have known Randy since the 8th grade. In high school we were members of the worst garage band in the western United States. After high school Randy gained several years experience in radio, starting out as the morning show intern, one of the most abused and feared positions in the working world. After working his way up to actual DJ level he decided to return to school to complete his degree. Randy graduated in April with a degree in broadcast communications, and is faced with the challenge of finding a job. I don't need to explain the difficulty of the task given the current economic situation. But he approached it with the charisma and gusto that is typical to Randy. He planned an epic road trip across the country, stopping in most of the major cities, dropping off resumes and talking to who ever will listen. He's staying in campgrounds and playing his guitar on street corners for money. Awesome.

He has been sharing his experiences on his blog, A Letter to Bob Dylan. I would recommend following it. He stories included being given "air time" at concerts to tell stories and an interview he landed on Fox and Friends in New York City.

If anyone out there has any connections in radio of television, please drop him a line!

You're a brave man, Randy. We're all proud (and slightly envious) of you.

1 comment:

Jared said...


Lets drop everything and meet Randy right now. Dude....our wives won't even know we're gone....