Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Nehalem River

Yesterday my Dad and I went fishing on the Nehalem River. The river runs from the coast range in a curly-q around Vernonia and out the the coast. We went to a spot about 15 miles north of Vernonia. This is what it looked like at 5:30 when we got there:

It was an amazing day. We saw an abundance of wildlife. On the ride out there was a cluster of young Elk frolicking in the foggy fields. The river contained otters and beaver. Eagles soared overhead in the narrow channel carved from the hills by the river.

I know what you're thinking, "Forget the otters! Did you get any fish?" Short answer, yes. Did we have fish for dinner? No.

When I decided to start fishing again recently, it was because of the abundance of fish that Oregon has to offer. Salmon, steelhead and the like. I'm talking big fish. Fish like this:

Fish that can feed a family for a week. That's what I'm talking about. I figure, if I can catch just one monster like that, it will totally pay for the license and the tag. That's what everyone says, right? I going to do it! Mark my words! By the end of summer, I'm gonna be up to my gills in fish!

Back to yesterday. I caught two fish. Two rainbow trout. They looked about like this:

At first I though I had snagged a sandwich baggy full of rocks. It was not the epic battle I had imagined would occur. Naturally, I let the little fellow go. About a half an hour later, I caught another one about the same size. Frankly it was probably the same one. Not the brightest crayon in the box.

So that's how it begins. There will be more to follow. Even without catching fish, a day of fishing is worth it. There's something powerful about watching the day begin in the forest. It's something that shouldn't be enjoyed by fisherman and hunters alone.

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