This is the second year we have made an attempt at apartment gardening. We have a plot of earth about 7' x 3' in front of or patio. We have mint growing there year round and in the spring we plant other things. Last year it did go so well. We only had two tomato plants that I killed with a home remedy for aphids. This year we have three tomatoes, a zucchini in a bucket, basil, kale, Swiss chard, rosemary, thyme, sage, and a sunflower. It's creeped slowly onto our patio in buckets, and the halved wine barrel I bought Mary for mothers day.
In spite of the fact that it was too wet to plant until late June this year, things are going well! Were starting to get some delicious tomatoes and some sweet basil (always a good combo). The zucchini is doing well in it's bucket, and we should be getting some kale soon, too. Some day I'll have a place with a real garden plot, but for now the bucket method is working for us.
I've been making a delicious fried egg, fresh tomato and basil sandwich for breakfast this week. So tasty.
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